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Planning Board Minutes 05/02/2019
Public Meeting
May 2nd, 2019

Members & Planning Staff Present:               
Janet McEwen (Chair), Lynne Rosansky (Vice Chair), Mary Allen (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Mark D. Murdough (Member), Neal Pattison (Member), John Anderson (Member), Steve MacDonald (Alternate), Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant), and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards)
Members/Staff Absent:
Others Present: Leigh Bosse (Applicant/the Messenger)
CTO: Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. She asked the Board to introduce themselves to Mr. Bosse since there are new members.

I. Minutes: Chair McEwen asked the Board to review the drafted minutes from 4/18/19.
Review: Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that she needed to move Mr. MacDonald to the Present, as he did enter the meeting just after 8pm. Ms. Allen said she was not in attendance, so that needed to be corrected as well.
Discussion: There was no further discussion.
Motion:   Mr. Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, Mr. Murdough second it.
Vote: Ms. Allen abstained. By a voice vote, all were in favor.

II CBS Holdings LLC-Voluntary Lot Merger:
Chair McEwen asked Mr. Bosse to start by stating his intentions. Mr. Bosse explained that he and his partner had done an approved subdivision with the Antrim Planning Board many years ago, and it has conditions that are required to be met. These conditions are attached to the deed for the land. He added that there is a couple from CT that would like to purchase it, but not as a subdivision with those requirements. He added the couple would need to come back to the Board eventually to divide the land into 1 lot for their home, and the other lot in current use.
Mr. Bosse said that he knows the easiest way accomplish this is a voluntary lot merger, which would therefore terminate the Subdivision requirements so that the property could be sold. He said that if the sale does not go through, he doesn’t want the lots to be merged, because he would like to go forward with the subdivision if that is the case.
There was discussion amongst the Board members and Mr. Bosse. Chair McEwen explained that once a lot merger is granted, it is a done deal. She added that they do not hold off on sending in notice of decisions to the registry either.
There was another discussion regarding the notice of decision. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp explained that the one the Board currently has attached to their application is not in the format that it needs to be in order to be accepted at the registry. She added that there needs to be a 3” margin at the top for the registry to do their work, and that, moving forward, it was discussed that the Chair of the Board should have a place to sign as well. She concluded that Mr. Bosse would have to re-do his signatures, including the POA that signed for Ms. Cloud, the other shareholder. Mr. Bosse was upset, he told the Board that it was their staffs mistake as he pointed to Ms. Brudnick-Destromp, and not his. The Chair interrupted him and said there were other errors with the application. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp added that there were 2 errors made. The 1st being the POA for Ms. Cloud signed in blue ink instead of black ink, and the 2nd is that the format Mr. Bosse had used to write the tax map and lot numbers were incorrect, and he needed to use the full 9 digit format in his scenario.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp told Mr. Bosse she was advised by Ms. Ogilvie that the POA signature doesn’t have to be an original or “wet” signature on this form, since they already have it on the application, and can be faxed or scanned back to her. Chair McEwen asked Ms. Ogilvie if that is correct, and Ms. Ogilvie responded that she is under the impression it is. The Chair asked Ms. Brudnick-Destromp to verify anyways with the Registry of Deeds on Monday.
Mr. Pattison told Mr. Bosse that he wanted to make sure that he understood that if the Board does approve the voluntary lot merger, then it would be going to the registry of deeds regardless if he has a sale or not. Mr. Bosse nodded.
Mr. Anderson had questions, he also said he would be abstaining from voting on this where he doesn’t have enough background information on it. He asked Mr. Bosse where the lots were, if they were in current use, and what the conditions where that he had to meet. There was a conversation with Chair McEwen, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Bosse that went into depth on the conditions he was supposed to be as a subdivision.

Motion: Mr. Robertson made a motion that with proper paperwork submitted, that they conditionally approve the lot merger, Ms. Rosansky second the motion
Vote: Mr. Anderson abstained. By a voice vote all, were in favor.

Ms. Brudnick-Destromp gave Mr. Bosse a new form that she had filled out for the 2 signatures to be done on. Mr. Bosse stayed for the meeting.

III. Discussion of Newspaper for Public Notices-Continued:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that Ms. Hanson uses all 3 newspapers, and Ms. Chauncey uses the Stonebridge Post.
Mr. Pattison said that the Town should use the same paper for all notices so residents know where to look. Mr. Anderson said he would like to make a decision tonight for the Planning Board, and if in the future there needs to be a change for the whole Town, then they can do that. Mr. Anderson said he had questions for Mr. Bosse as the owner of the Messenger. Mr. Anderson wanted to know how many papers get delivered to Antrim. Mr. Bosse said 300-400 roughly. Mr. Bosse added they get delivered to T-Birds, Rick and Diane’s, Antrim Town Hall, and Edmunds hardware. Mr. Pattison said that that is a small percentage compared to residents, where the town’s population is around 2,600.
Ms. Allen said that the notices are also posted on the Town’s website. Mr. Anderson said that the website is very hard to navigate through.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she had been in contact with Michael Pon from the Stonebridge regarding the cost for notices. She explained that she sent him 3 notices that were recently used and posted in the Messenger to see how much they would cost. The notices cost $60 in the Messenger. Mr. Pon had sent Ms. Brudnick-Destromp the 3 notices typed up in the format that he would use for the paper, along with the size of the add, and the price. She showed the examples to the Board.
There was a discussion about the size and format of a Public Notice, and what it should be, and what is considered too small. The Chair had questions for Mr. Bosse on the size of his public notices, in which he answered.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that the same Vertex Tower Notice of Public Meeting that the Ledger price quoted her $92.50 for, was $82.50 in the Stonebridge Post. The Public Demonstration notice would have cost $74.25, and the most recent Public Hearing for Eversource would have cost $78.37. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp reminded the Board that these are priced at $5 per column inch. She brought an example of the paper, and the public notices that are currently in them to show the size difference.
Motion: Mr. Pattison made a motion to use the Messenger, until the Town makes a change, Mr. Robertson second it.
Discussion: Ms. Allen said she wants the Board to ask the Town to make a decision as a Town to use to the same paper, and that the Town’s public notices should be grouped together. Chair McEwen said that she agrees, so that people always know where to go for public notices.
Mr. Anderson asked Ms. Brudnick-Destromp questions about the Newspapers and comparisons.
Vote: by a voice vote, all were in favor.
There was further discussion about the Town needing to post in the same paper in order to benefit residents.
IV. Planning Assistant Report:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that she had emailed Mr. D’Arcangelo at Eversource, and requested he notify her closer to the start date for the tree trimming so the Town can notify/remind the residents.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that it was decided by herself and Ms. Ogilvie that a “Scenic Road Application,” was not needed at this point for Antrim, and to leave it as is with just the public notice fee that the applicant would need to pay.

Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that Ms. Ogilvie is going to review the bylaws, and possibly make a definitions section to be added to it. Once she has reviewed it, a draft will be submitted for the Board to review.

Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that, as far as new laws for 2019 by the State, she was not able to find anything online, and asked Ms. Ogilvie if she would look into it for her. Ms. Ogilvie said there was a couple ZBA changes, but nothing Planning Board at this time.

Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said the flyers came in from the SWRPC for the May 22nd Community Conversation. She said she made an additional flyer to be distributed throughout the Town, but had asked Mr. Anderson if he could possibly make a better one for the Facebook add blast in a week or two. The flyer has been posted at the Town Hall, on the Town’s website, on Facebook, and at the Post office. She said she also put one in each department’s mailbox to help get the word around Town. If a new flyer is made, she said she
will get that one posted up and around the area. The Teen Center is already aware of the event, but she will get flyer down there soon. The Chair asked that a list be made of who will bring flyers and to where. There was a conversation, and Chair McEwen will bring flyers to the Brown Bag Coalition and senior citizen center. Ms. Allen will bring them to Greenfield, Bennington, and a popular store. Mr. Robertson will bring a stack to the Lyon’s Club. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she will print a stack on Monday, and let them know when they are ready for pick up.

Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that both Mr. Holmes and Mr. Bryk are interested in the 2 open positions on the ZBA this year. She is waiting to get in touch with all the ZBA members to get recommendations for the Selectboard.

There was a discussion started by Mr. Robertson on how the Planning Board needs more alternates, and the CIP will need a community volunteer. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that Mr. Holmes is currently the community volunteer, Mr. Edwards is the Selectmen, and Mr. Pattison and Mr. MacDonald are the Planning Board representatives.

Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board she was mistaken when earlier this year she informed them the Town had no Solar Ordinance. She said that after meeting with Ms. Ogilvie this week, Ms. Ogilvie informed her that the Town of Antrim does have one, and it’s labeled “Alternative Energy Systems,” and is under Article XIV Section 12 (Z). She said she printed out and provided a copy for each member.

There was a discussion between Chair McEwen, Ms. Rosansky, and Mr. Anderson regarding the current solar ordinance, and reviewing it.

8:01PM Mr. MacDonald entered the meeting.

Mr. Pattison made a statement on how he felt about standing solar arrays, and the visibility of them. He said if something is going to be written, it should be more focused for the commercial aspect. There was a conversation between Mr. Anderson and Chair McEwen on possible ideas for solar ordinance changes.
Chair McEwen mentioned the energy committee that once existed, and the need for a new group invested in this.
V. Carol Ogilvie:
Carol said that the first meeting of the CIP cannot be no later than the second week of May according to the bylaws. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she would reach out to the members and see if they can get together next week.  
VI. Correspondence:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she received an email from Joan Gorga regarding a Gregg Lake Watershed Management Plan meeting scheduled for Friday, July 12th at 5:30PM in the Little Town Hall. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp read the email, and said she would attach a copy to the minutes as well. Ms. Gorga had wanted to know if anyone from the Planning Board would be attending.
Chair McEwen and Ms. Rosansky said they would like to attend. Mr. Pattison and Mr. Anderson said they were interested, but not ready to make a commitment. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said she would respond to Ms. Gorga’s email with their answers, and cc them on the response so they have the information.

VII. Other Business:
Mr. Robertson said that Terri Hardwick and Chuck Sargent are coming to the Selectboard Monday night regarding the acceptance of the roads at the Mulhall Heights Subdivision.
There was a discussion amongst the newer members and the current ones to get caught up to speed with what the issue was. The Board agreed that in the future, they need to review the policies for subdivision roads.
There was another long discussion that went into detail about the subdivision. Chair McEwen asked that the conversation end, as there was multiple conversations going on at the same time.
Mr. Anderson said he feels like the Board is rushing. He said that at the first meeting, the Chair said that meetings went until 9pm, and no decisions are made after 9pm. The Chair responded that if Mr. Anderson wants to stay until 9pm every night that is fine, but if the time is structured. She said that random conversations do not lead anywhere; she just wants the time to be productive.
Mr. Pattison said he felt that the discussion was very productive. Chair McEwen said that she would suggest everyone review the subdivision policy, and then put it on the Agenda for the next meeting.
Mr. Anderson said that he felt rushed with the newspaper, and wishes that he had more time to ask questions, especially where Mr. Bosse was there and present. There was a discussion about the time.
Mr. Anderson said that he looked into the businesses within the Town. He said the state can compile all the registered town’s businesses, but for $350. He added that he checked the businesses on the town’s website, and it looks like it was recently updated. He said he spoke to Donna Hanson, and she told him a group of citizens had gone through it.
Chair McEwen said that Ms. Ogilvie will be able to help Mr. Anderson and Mr. Murdough in outlining the businesses ideas that they come up with for the Master Plan.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp suggested having a workshop next meeting where the subcommittees could break up into their groups. The Chair and the Board said that would be a good idea to utilize the meeting with a subdivision regulation workshop, and then break into small groups for the Master Plan.
Mr. Anderson said he wanted to give the Board an update regarding petitioning the state for a decrease in speed downtown. Mr. Anderson said out of the Selectman’s meeting he spoke at, the Town is going to put up crossing signs at each of the crosswalks with buttons to push, and lights to flash when pedestrians are crossing. Mr. Anderson had a discussion with Chair McEwen regarding the parking situation for the office buildings downtown.

Motion: Mr. Robertson made a motion to close the meeting, Mr. Anderson second it.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting Adjourned:  ~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp

(Assistant to Land Use Boards)